About Us

We live in a little house, an apartment actually, that is truly a blossoming place. It's constantly changing. Whether it's us as people, our family or our home, things are ever blossoming. We are crazy in love and in love with life.
Should we start from the beginning? The hubby (Mitch) and I met our freshman year of college in 2006. For some of you, that's totally not a long time ago. But it seems like a lifetime to us after the many experiences we've been through! We got married in 2010 with DIY style written all over that beautiful June day. Our photographer was ignited Photography...who took this picture...and they are amazing! http://www.ignitedphotography.com/
Three short months later, we joyfully and surprisingly found out we were expecting! So, within five days of our very first anniversary, we welcomed a beautiful tiny girl. She is the apple of our eye.
I appreciate your visit here and welcome you to look around as long as you like!